Eastern Swedish School

Welcome to us - Swedish study guidance / Daycare
Vi erbjuder studiehandledning och barnomsorg för barn i åldrarna 2-16 år. Möjligheten att delta i 1 vecka till 5 månader . Vi har minst öppet mellan v.44-v.13 (nov-mars), under den svenska “högsäsongen”. Handledningen sker utifrån- den svenska läroplanen lgr22 i samarbete med elevernas hemskolor eller helt utifrån oss beroede på önskemål. Med små grupper på max tolv elever per klassrum, ges eleverna mycket goda förutsättningar för en maximal utveckling och möjlighet att kunna fullfölja sina skoluppgifter och planeringar hemifrån, både kunskapsmässigt och socialt. En vistelse hos oss medför även en inblick i den Thailändska kulturen och dess traditioner genom diverse studiebesök och uppmärksammade dagar.
You choose the weeks and length according to what suits you and your stay. Your children receive tutoring in their school work or childcare for the younger ages as well as a sense of belonging and community when meeting new friends who live in the area. The children seem to feel good about having a break from sun and swimming during the day, to instead be with us and socialize/play with other Swedish children, while they complete their school work during the day. We supervise completely based on each student and their included planning and materials. Contact is established with the home school before arrival and continues during the student's stay with us so that the student is in phase with the journey home. In addition to this, the days are also filled with recess activities, swimming training and joint gatherings with simpler Thai teaching both linguistically and culturally. For those who wish, there are also activities organized for families such as football training, trying Muay Thai or playing on the beach in all simplicity. Regardless of your reason for wanting to take a break from the Swedish squirrel wheel - we are here for you and your children! And all this in a lovely environment, with less must, and quality time deluxe!
Are you curious what it might look like for the students who choose to take a "timeout" from Sweden's rain and debris - you can see more about our schedule-breaking activities or read some of the previous weekly letters with all the lovely pictures in them!
Where are we located?

At the exit to Koh Samet on Thailand's eastern coastline is the small charming harbor town of Ban Phe. Here we offer study guidance for children from Mae Phim, Ban Phe, Had Mae Ramphung, Rayong, Pattaya and others. areas. Click here to see where we are!
Our ambition
Our ambition is to offer an opportunity to be able to complete their school work with the help of tutors in a familiar environment, where the student and his individual needs are in focus. We supervise based on the Swedish curriculum (lgr22) and can offer a high density of adults. Our vision is that the students will become rich in knowledge and social exchanges while having a wonderful stay, in a wonderful climate, with family and friends.
You are most welcome to visit us if you are curious about our business.
It is desirable that you contact us in advance to guarantee time to be able to show around and give an insight into the business. Contact +46 (0)70- 54 87 922 (What's up during the season (Nov-March).

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Är du Facebook-användare och förälder till ett barn/ elev som ska gå hos oss under säsongen 24/25?
Då kommer det även finnas en grupp ni kan gå med i som ni får information om via mail.
Under läsåret har föräldrar tillgång till mer detaljerad information och bilder.
Vårdnadshavare med inskrivna barn erbjuds medlemskap i samband med skolstart.